Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) have changed the way companies build, test and deliver mobile apps.
More and more companies value the time of their developers. This means that they don’t want to waste valuable developer resources on things that could be automated. CI/CD replaces manual intervention and helps to build, test and deliver mobile apps faster than ever before. Therefore, companies don’t need to have releases just monthly or weekly, and they can deploy as often as necessary, even several times a day. I guess many of us still remember the times when we used to have “release days”. Some companies might still have those but it’s slowly becoming a history.
CI/CD tools are gaining more and more popularity and with the popularity of the tools, mobile apps development is also improving.
New ebook: Continuous Integration and Delivery for Mobile Apps

In our new ebook, we focus on Continuous Integration and Delivery for mobile apps. We start off by explaining the concept of Continuous Integration and Delivery, continue with explaining what’s the difference between the CI for mobile vs web, bring out some benefits of CI/CD, talk about choosing the CI/CD provider, take a glance at CI/CD for businesses and finish up with thoughts about the future of CI/CD.
This book is published by Codemagic, therefore we are also talking about the almighty Codemagic CI/CD :)
Where can I get it?
Codemagic has made the ebook available for everyone here, so feel free to have a look at it when you get a moment. You might find a faster way🚀 of doing something, or even learn something new 🤓.
Happy exploration!
Codemagic Team