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How Sidis by Nemobile Saves 1,200 Developer Hours Per Year with Codemagic CI/CD for Flutter

How Sidis by Nemobile Saves 1,200 Developer Hours Per Year with Codemagic CI/CD for Flutter

Dec 9, 2019

“The most significant benefit is that we can publish to stores automagically,” – Gianfranco Gasbarri, Sidis by Nemobile developer

Sidis by Nemobile

Sidis by Nemobile is a sales CRM that leverages artificial intelligence to improve searches and offer insightful predictions based on internal company data. They currently have eight employees and create one or two builds per week. Sidis publishes applications directly to both iOS and Android stores.

Sidis’ Journey to Flutter

Sidis’ journey to Flutter started out with a need to develop native iOS apps. They did not have the human capital to help them accomplish this goal, so they naturally turned to Flutter for help. They analysed the platform as a possible solution for cross-platform framework development.

After taking Flutter for a test drive, they decided that it seemed like a good fit. The learning curve was easy for their team to overcome as well. Gasbarri states,

“We are building our main project, an AI-powered CRM solution for businesses, with Flutter, and the learning curve has been absolutely great and pretty beginner-friendly.

Manual distribution is waisting valuable human resources

Like many native app developers, Gasbarri faced the time and money costs associated with iOS app development. Doing so requires Mac devices, which can be expensive for development teams and, in turn, creates barriers for cross-platform consistency and user participation.

“Publishing for both stores usually made one of us, a small team, invest valuable time into the building and publishing process,” adds Gasbarri.

Full Apple developer portal integration to accelerate dev process automagically

After recognising their unique needs, Sidis decided to deploy Codemagic CI/CD for Flutter to reduce issues when it comes to developing iOS apps using a fully-integrated and customised solution. Gasbarri remarks,

“We went straight for Codemagic, given its reputation and the results we got from it since early on.”

Sidis took full advantage of Codemagic’s full Apple developer portal integration that allowed them to manage provisioning and code signing automatically. Even further, they did not require the use of a Mac device since Codemagic provided them with the capability to publish iOS apps to the App Store without one.

Mac-independence saves hundred developer hours per month

Sidis by Nemobile accomplished its goal of not being Mac-dependent when having to develop iOS applications. It has ensured that they would not have to write the same code twice. The Sidis team has been able to save about one hundred developer hours per month using Codemagic CI/CD for Flutter. That amounts to 1,200 hours spared every year, which is a tremendous amount of time to save.

“The most significant benefit is that we can publish to stores automagically,” jokes Gasbarri.

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