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Flutter Interact: A roundup of new announcements

Flutter Interact: A roundup of new announcements

Dec 11, 2019

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. One of the most anticipated Flutter event was held at the BKLYN Studios on December 11, 2019.

This year’s focus was DESIGN and how to build beautiful apps with Flutter. There were tons of great news at Flutter Interact'19. If you were unable to watch their full live stream or attend in-person, we are here with a summary of all the important announcements at the event.

News and announcements

  • Announcement of Flutter 1.12 (release notes)
    • Dark Mode support for iOS
    • New Cupertino widgets
    • AndroidX now default for new projects
    • Upgraded app-to-app support
    • Google Fonts package
    • New Flutter Gallery

  • Flutter on desktop is now available on Flutter dev channel

    • Added support for macOS (now in alpha)
  • Flutter for Web is now available on beta channel

    Web support is available on the following plugins by default:

  • RIVE (Previously 2Dimensions) now supports Flutter for Web

  • Announcement of Dart 2.7

    • Extension methods
    • Safe substring handling
    • Null safety preview
    • Hot UI support in Flutter (available on Android Studio preview)
    • New Dart DevTools
    • Debug on all devices simultaneously
  • Redesign of Dart Pad

    • Support for Flutter (without downloading any SDK)
  • Supernova announces full Flutter support

  • Adobe shows a preview of XD to Flutter plugin, it will export the Adobe XD designs directly to Flutter code.

Articles from the Flutter and Dart teams

Articles from partner teams

Keynote and session recordings

Additional Updates and new Resources

Introduction of Google Fonts for Flutter

Now, you can directly use Google Fonts in your Flutter app without having to download each of them from Google Fonts and importing them using pubspec.yaml file.

Just include the google_fonts package in your pubspec.yaml file and you are good to go.


The Flutter add-to-app documentation is updated, you can check out the new updates here.

As of Flutter v1.12, add-to-app is supported for the basic scenario of integrating one full-screen Flutter instance at a time per app.

You can find the new and updated Flutter Gallery app here. It really looks amazing!

The Flutter Vignettes

A collection of fun Flutter experiments, created by gskinner, in partnership with Google.

You can also check out more information on their Vignette Showcase Website.

They available on GitHub here.

News from RIVE

Rive introduced some layer effects to its animation design system.

Support for layer effects including masking, drop shadows, inner shadows, and blurs is available on flare_flutter (from version 1.8.0) package.


Codemagic now offers companies enterprise plans tailored to their specific CI/CD needs. You can speed up your builds up to 40% with powerful Mac Pros compared to builds run on Mac Minis.

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