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Contribute to the Mobile app developer Ecosystem 2021 Survey!

Contribute to the Mobile app developer Ecosystem 2021 Survey!

Nov 19, 2020

Codemagic is inviting you to contribute your valuable insights about the development ecosystem by taking this 10 minute survey.

Codemagic is building CI/CD tools for mobile app developers to provide developers with actionable feedback and reduce noise from the signal! That’s why we want to hear your voice! What are the current mobile app building practises, struggles, emerging trends and top tools.

🚨 Mobile App Developer Ecosystem Survey 2021🚨 is LIVE! Share your expertise with the professional coding community and you have a chance to win a prize!
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The goal is to better serve the mobile app developer’s community and share valuable insight with fellow developers. We’ll share all the results of this survey, along with our most interesting findings, with everyone at the end.

What’s more, participating in the survey gives you a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card and Codemagic Surprise Gift Pack. Your thoughts and expertise are valuable to us! Thank you for your time and insight!

Please invite your friends and colleagues to take this survey, too! The more developers contribute to the study, the more representative it will be of the community.

Happy building,

Team Codemagic

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