The Flutter developer community is strong, vibrant and growing rapidly, with creators sharing tips, news and opinions all over the web.
We asked the community on Twitter and added our personal favourites to the list of top 45 Flutter developers and experts in the Flutter community to follow on Twitter. See the relevant communities and hashtags to start your Flutter journey.
We hope this list will help you find your Flutter role models with their best resources and improve your Flutter dev skills in record time.
— Flutter (@FlutterDev) May 9, 2019
Take a look back in time of what's happened in Flutter this past year and what lies ahead.
Watch here →
The ultimate source for Flutter news and updates, latest crazy hacks and some “boring” Flutter tutorials from the official Flutter account. 48.5K followers have found THE right place to get started.
Dart Language
If Flutter, then Dart. Dart is the official programming language for fast apps on multiple platforms.
Just launched our brand new Dart website at #io19! Check it out at
— Dart Language (@dart_lang) May 8, 2019
We built a Flutter game with @2Dimensions for #io19 that puts you in charge of a development team! Assemble a team of heroic coders, slay bugs, and get things done at 60fps!
— Flutter (@FlutterDev) May 9, 2019
Find the source at →
Read the blog to learn more →
If you have seen some really nice animations on Flutter, these have been most probably made with Flare real-time animations by 2Dimensions. They share tips and tricks to make your Flutter app look just stunning. And it’s free!
Codemagic is going beyond mobile with #Flutter! You can now build, test and publish Flutter apps for #iOS, #Android and #web with @codemagicio CI/CD
— Codemagic (@codemagicio) May 8, 2019
Congratulations team @FlutterDev 🎉🎉🎉 @kevmoo @timsneath @csells @MartinAguinis @bouncingsheep
Codemagic CI/CD by Nevercode is a cloud-based CI/CD tool for building, testing and publishing Flutter applications. Not only do they help ensure your Flutter app is healthy and ready to ship, they also stand behind Flutter and are the first release new features to stay up to date.
Very Good Ventures
The company that seems to have all the Flutter firsts — from the Hamilton app to the Slides at Flutter Live to the KENKEN Flutter web app at IO ‘19. Very Good Ventures is a technology consultancy in NYC that focuses on Flutter and has a deeply experienced Flutter team.
We had a chance to work with @FlutterDev and @nytimes on the #KENKEN flutter app, and learned a ton. We think Flutter on the web is a HUGE deal. We wrote up some of our thoughts on our experience with it so far: #Flutter
— Very Good Ventures 🦄💙 (@VGVentures) May 7, 2019
Other notable hashtags to follow: #Flutter #Flutterverse #Flutterista #BoringShow #FlutterOnsite
Flutter team
Eric Seidel
So grateful to the mobile dev community for the warm reception Flutter has received this year. :D
— Eric Seidel (@_eseidel) August 30, 2018
Being the brains and co-founder of the Flutter project, Eric is the best guy to explain how the Flutter project came to life and what’s the purpose of Flutter. In this episode of Coffee with a Googler, Eric Seidel introduces the story of Flutter.
Tim Sneath
Lots of new features coming to the Flutter and Dart extensions for VSCode. But more importantly, what I love is the polish and care that goes into this product, as I think the release notes show. Join me in thanking @DanTup and the team for their phenomenal work! @code #Flutter
— Tim Sneath (@timsneath) February 15, 2019
Tim is the Group Product Manager for Flutter and Dart. Creative, positive, a strategic thinker with a reputation for achieving high-quality results under time pressure. A true IT veteran. Before starting at Google, he spent 17 years in Microsoft building high-productivity tools for developers. He’s the greatest Flutter advocate there is. Watch Tim presenting Flutter 1.0 on Flutter Live here.
Filip Hráček
package:codemod was just released by the folks at @Workiva. It lets you write tools for large scale refactoring in Dart.
— Filip Hráček (@filiphracek) January 17, 2019
You can do simple things like adding licenses or regex substitutions, but you can also have AST, so you can do intelligent changes.
Filip is a Developer Advocate in the Flutter team. Not only does he make sure that relevant people know about Flutter & Dart, he also makes sure that people use it correctly. He runs the Boring Flutter Development Show and builds various projects for fun, like the Flutter demo app Entire history of humanity seen at Flutter Live and the @year_progress Twitter bot, just to mention a few.
Matt Sullivan
For those in London who need a #flutterio fix
— Matt Sullivan (@mjohnsullivan) February 13, 2019
Matt Sullivan is a Developer Advocate at Google where he leads Developer Relations for Flutter. Previously, he worked on Android and Wear. He’s a bit of a language geek and is thoroughly enjoying adding Dart to his portfolio of languages to write cool things in. And did we mention that he has a black belt in live coding? Check how Matt is live coding a working dial in less than 10 minutes at MWC19.
Nilay Yener
Rain and thunderstorm don't stop us from enjoying @flutterio night with @gdgsv and @jugsv. Our speakers @flttry and Maurice rock!
— Nilay Coskun (@nlycskn) January 17, 2019
Nilay is the Developer Relations Program Manager for Flutter and Dart. She’s the key person building up Flutter communities all over the world, in essence, the mother of the Flutter community. Follow her to keep up with the Flutter community members, meetups and latest news. Nilay shares her experience about how to build a worldwide community here.
Martin Aguinis
At Google Developer Days China, we spoke about the global app economy and how brands like Alibaba, Tencent, and Google are using Flutter.
— Martin Aguinis 📱🚀 (@MartinAguinis) October 1, 2018
Watch the video here →
#Flutter #GDD #Google #Apps #Android #iOS @flutterio @googledevs
Martin currently leads Marketing for Flutter at Google. He was previously on the YouTube team working on VR. Before Google, Martin started businesses in the events and ride sharing field. He is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and loves to travel. Listen to the Flutter Talk podcast hosted by Nevercode which featured Martin as a guest.
Chris Sells
Spending my 2nd day on the Flutter team at #FlutterLive in London. Enjoying the show in the IMAX theater of the British Science Museum.
— Chris Sells (@csells) December 4, 2018
Chris is a Google Product Manager on the Flutter development experience. Another tech veteran in the list. Before joining Google, Chris was a contributing member of the Windows developer community for more than 20 years, including 3 years at Intel and 8 years at Microsoft. He has an extensive blog about various technologies, he often wraps up his ideas on Medium and has written a dozen books. Listen to the It’s All Widgets podcast with Chris here.
Kevin Moore
Seems the right day to share this repository - – see credits, license, and disclaimers in the readme. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #ComeToTheDartSide #dartlang #flutterdev #io19 is going to be amazing!
— kevmoo (@kevmoo) May 4, 2019
Kevin in his own words: “I’m a Product Manager at @googleworking on @dart-lang. I focus on web technologies and our package ecosystem”.
Will Larche
Another Flutter hero on the list is definitely the Lead Flutter Engineer at Material Design. Will does not have a Twitter account, but his talks on YouTube are definitely a must to keep updated with the design world. Check out a short interview with Will to start with and a podcast where he talks about Flutter design.
Flutter has taken community by storm and there are many awesome Flutter devs who are organizing meetups, provide solutions on StackOverflow, write helpful tutorials and share tips and tricks to build Flutter apps faster. Let’s meet them!
Remi Rousselet
Finally, after such a long time! 😀
— Remi Rousselet (@remi_rousselet) January 13, 2019
Even if he’s modest about himself in his bio, he’s one hell of a Flutter fan. Over 500 answers, being the Top Answerer on StackOverflow, he knows the subject. Or is determined to find answers. He’s been interviewed by the It’s All Widgets podcast here.
Salih Guler
Fingers crossed for all of them🤞🤞 super excited to share my knowledge about Flutter with the world 😃
— Muhammed Salih Guler 🥑💙 (@salihgueler) January 30, 2019
Salih is a Berlin-based Android & Flutter developer who follows all the cutting-edge technologies for the mobile world. He also likes sharing his knowledge with people by mentoring aspiring developers, creating study groups and blogging. Founder of @FlutterGermany and co-organizer of @FlutterBerlin
Rohan Taneja
Delivered my first @flutterio talk of the year at @FlutterBerlin yesterday. Involved a lot of live coding so decided to make it fun using inspiration from Black Mirror Bandersnatch @netflix and it seems to have paid off as per the feedback received from the audience :) #Flutter
— Rohan Taneja (@rohantaneja_) January 17, 2019
Works as a Software Engineer at Delivery Hero in Berlin. He loves speaking about Flutter at conferences . He’s also a Flutter Evangelist and got featured on It’s All Widgets.
Iiro Krankka
Have you ever wondered how to test basic @flutterio navigation events, such as pushing a route with details or popping it with a result? With these quite tasty testing tidbits, you don't have wonder anymore! Also learn some Finnish along the way.
— Iiro Krankka (@koorankka) August 22, 2018
A Finn residing in Denmark. Iiro is a passionate mobile developer who has fallen in love with developing robust mobile apps for Android and iOS. Creator of inKino, a multi-platform Flutter/web app. He’s currently building cross-platform mobile apps with Flutter and Dart at Reflectly. Sometimes blogs at Flutter Rocks. And he’s the first one to try out Flutter updates in real life - “From mobile to web in less than 4 beers”.
Andrea Bizzotto
Want to get started with Dart in 2019? Then I've got you covered.
— Andrea Bizzotto 🇺🇦 (@biz84) January 11, 2019
This video series is a FREE sample of my upcoming Flutter course, and includes over 90 min and 35 lessons on Dart. 📹
Here is part 1, where I cover variables and types. 🎯
Happy coding!
Andrea thinks that Flutter is the future of mobile app development. He is the creator of where he teaches Flutter by showing the code step by step and explaining the design decisions behind it.
Marcin Szałek
It took me only 3 hours to create PianoTiles clone app in #Flutter! 🔥🔥#OnlyInFlutter #FlutterIsBetterThanAnythingElese
— Marcin Szałek 💙 (@marcin_szalek) January 9, 2019
Article coming soon :) @flutterio
Marcin is a Computer Science student who runs an awesome mobile app development blog where he shares some of his Flutter (and other) experiences. He says he is just a just a normal guy who happened to put his thoughts into the internet.
Pawan Kumar
I have updated Flutter Example Apps Repo having around 2K Stars. Check it out @flutterio @r_FlutterDev @FlutterComm
— Pawan Kumar (@imthepk) December 24, 2018
Pawan is a passionate Flutter, Android & Xamarin developer who is always excited about learning new technologies as well as mentoring and helping others getting started in their programming career. Pawan is a GDE (Google Developer Expert) for Flutter and a blogger. Founder of MTechViral & starter of the Let’s Flutter with Dart Facebook and Slack Community. You can also often find him presenting about Flutter at conferences.
Nick Manning v1.0 has just launched 🚀, featuring:
— Nick Manning 🦀 (@seenickcode) January 2, 2019
- ❤️a fresh re-design
- ⏳4.5 hours of *free* #flutter tutorials
- 🎥a snazzy new video player
- 💪Built with Dart + (@stablekernel).
A new series for junior devs will be starting this mo.
Senior software engineering mentor, writer, software craftsman and entrepreneur for over 20 years who fell in love with Flutter. Creator of for learning Flutter from scratch.
Norbert Kozsir
As you can see, this is running on a desktop embedder.
— Norbert Kozsir (@norbertkozsir) January 5, 2019
I've been toying around with the idea of having a Flutter-IDE written in Flutter for the past few weeks.
I've written down all my thoughts at
I'd love to have a discussion here on Twitter or there!
Just as many others, Norbert fell in love with Flutter from minute 0. He’s an active member of the Flutter community, currently involved in building a Flutter desktop embedder & experimenting with the idea of a Flutter IDE. Machine-Learning enthusiast. Read his ideas here:
Nash Ramdial
Had a lot of fun looking back at the past year. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this article @norbertkozsir @scottstoll2017 @devangelslondon @Jeroen_Meijer98 #flutter #FlutterCommunity @nlycskn
— Nash 🥇💙 (@nash0x7e2) December 31, 2018
Nash writes code for computers and articles for humans. Born and raised in Trinidad, he fell in love with coding at the age of fourteen and has worked in both web and mobile development ever since. Nash is the Lead Editor of Flutter Community on Medium; co-host of the weekly, international web conference “HumpDayQandA” and an Administrator of the Flutter Study Group (FSG), a Slack group inspired by the Android Study Group.
Frederik Schweiger
Frederik is a mobile software engineer from Germany who has worked with companies like Google, Trivago and Vodafone. Cofounder of #overmorrow and the Contributor to Flutter Medium Community.
Romain Rastel
I just published a new @flutterio package: flutter_slidable.
— Romain Rastel 💙 (@lets4r) July 21, 2018
Now you can easily add contextual actions when user sliding to the left or to the right!
For the source, it's right here:
Have fun! #flutterio @FlutterDev
Developer, speaker & Flutter advocate from France. Founder and co-organizer of Flutter Rennes User Group. Regular contributor of Flutter Community Medium account. If you are still not sure about Flutter, check out the article he wrote on how he fell in love in Flutter and why you will too:
Deven Joshi
My Flutter Chessboard library will soon hit 1.0 with more board colors, controller options, and better architecture.
— Deven Joshi 💙 (@DevenJoshi7) January 21, 2019
Check out the current version here: #flutter #flutterio
Deven is a Google Certified Android Developer. Speaker and blogger for Flutter and Android. Loves coding, AI and chess. If you want to learn more about Flutter, make sure to check out his Medium account:
Sergi Martínez
New Flutter Planets article in my blog! Learn how to make lists and use slivers like a pro! #flutter
— Sergi (@SergiAndReplace) October 15, 2017
Sergi is a developer with more than 15 years of software industry experience — and is now working on the Android platform with a strong focus on localisation projects and tool development. Writes about Flutter regularly on his personal blog and is the author of Flutter Weekly, a curated roundup of Flutter-related content.
Pooja Bhaumik
Submitted a proposal for @FragmentsConf #Ahmedabad on why @flutterio is a nightmare for freelancers.
— Pooja Bhaumik (@pooja_bhaumik) February 18, 2019
Here is the link
Maybe vote for it if you like it? 😋
Pooja Bhaumik is a designer-turned-developer who has been crafting Android applications since high school. She is an early Flutter adopter and respected community member who loves to share her insights through blog posts, public speaking and open-source contributions.
Brian Egan
Brian is a front-end developer with Android, web and Flutter expertise. He previously worked on popular applications for SoundCloud and Zappos as a Senior Engineer and Tech Lead. He’s currently working with Google to create the Flutter Cookbook and actively develops several open-source libraries, such as RxDart, Redux.dart, and the Flutter Architecture Samples.
Swav ‘RoboToaster’
Just published how @TheAppBusiness fell in love with #Flutter @bmp103 @devangelslondon @SwathiS87 @MashedTash - thanks for help
— Swav Kulinski💙 (@robotoasterdev) December 7, 2018
Swav is leading the Android Community of Practice at The App Business. He’s a computer enthusiast since the 80s, now a Flutter GDE. He shares all the learnings from his commercial and non-commercial development experience on his blog and Twitter account. A true Flutter fanboy.
Hillel Coren
Extremely excited to announce the launch of the @itsallwidgets Flutter Podcast 🚀 @timsneath @MartinAguinis with guests @JediPixels, @raoufrahiche, @GroovinChipDev and @omariskamal. The podcast is open to everyone, tell your @flutterio story!
— Hillel Coren (@hillelcoren) November 28, 2018
Co-founder of and Always trying to become a better human, husband, father, musician and programmer. Regularly covering all Flutter-related topics on his personal blog at
Tony Owen
In case anyone hasn't picked up on it from my last God know how many tweets. I ❤️ Flutter. I honestly believe it is the future of mobile development. Ignore at your peril.
— Tony Owen 💙 (@tunitowen) January 5, 2019
Tony is an experienced Android and iOS developer from UK. He’s sharing experiences and practical advice on his Medium account. Make sure to check it out!
Didier Boelens
11112 times thank you !! Thank you to each visitor who came to my blog during these past 2 days. It is simply incredible. These figures also shows how much the interest in Flutter is growing fast and... you are all fully right: #Flutter is so great!
— Didier Boelens 💙 (@DidierBoelens) January 23, 2019
IT consultant from Belgium with more than 20 years of experience. A software architect and Flutter enthusiast. Also, check out his personal blog for detailed step-by-step instructions on various Flutter topics.
Scott Stoll
Please RT!
— 🇺🇦💙 (@scottstoll2017) January 15, 2019
Do you need help with #Flutter? Do you want to talk to a real human being instead of using a forum? They you need to come to #HumpDayQandA tomorrow! It's our weekly live help session for Flutter that's all day, every Wednesday! @flutterio @geekmz @nlycskn @FlutterWk
Scott Stoll is a freelance Flutter Developer, author and public speaker from Cleveland. He is the organizer of GDG Cleveland, creator of #HumpDayQandA and an editor at Flutter Community on Medium.
Simon Lightfoot
Exactly what we needed. Thanks @codemagicio!
— Simon Lightfoot 🥇💙 (@devangelslondon) February 12, 2019
Simon is a software developer and co-host of Flutter Widgets. Regularly weighs in on a number of topics, including Flutter tips, widgets and hybrid app development. Co-founder of Flutter Study Group on Slack and Buccaneer Tech.
Robert Felker
Look at this lovely project from biocarl that lets you animate #path in #flutter ! This is the awesome project of the month !
— Robert Felker 💎 🇫🇷 (@BlueAquilae) February 15, 2019
Robert is a developer and the founder of the excellent which features a range of Flutter development topics. Creator of @FlutterBordeaux. A creative mind and problem solver gathering knowledge to execute and deliver.
Paulina Szklarska
The line after @p_szklarska talk about #redux. Thank you #flutter #Warsaw! 🇵🇱📱🚀@FlutterComm @r_FlutterDev @flutterdev
— Marie Jaksman (@MarieJaks) May 15, 2019
Flutter and Dart Google Developer Expert, working as a Flutter Developer. Has experience in creating, testing and analyzing mobile applications. Paulina leads GDG and Women Techmakers groups in Wrocław. She actively blogs about Flutter and speaks at international conferences.
Jorge Coca
Well, I can't wait anymore! It is official now! I will be collaborating with @ManningBooks to write "Dart 2 In Action"! I am very excited for this challenge, and very happy to be able to explore a new form of media! Can't wait to share all the good things about @dart_lang
— Jorge Coca 🐶💙🦄 (@jcocaramos) January 10, 2019
Creative software engineer with a strong background in mobile development and REST services. Defender of Agile methodologies, TDD and continuous integration processes. Currently building a Flutter project at BMW Chicago. Chicago Flutter Community organizer (one of the most active meetups we have seen!).
Felix Angelov
Published “Firebase Login with flutter_bloc” 🎉 #Flutter #firebase #FlutterExamples #flutterio
— Felix Angelov 🐦💙 (@felangelov) April 30, 2019
Felix is building awesome stuff at BMW Chicago. He also has the most extensive list of Flutter block resources for Flutter and he sure know how to use them, take a look here.
Martin Jeret
Codemagic supports #FlutterWeb 🐦🐦🐦
— Martin Remmelgas (@martinjeret) May 8, 2019
Chemist turned into business dev at @Codemagicio, your friendly neighbourhood CI/CD service for @flutterio. Chasing green builds until color blind. Martin is actively attending Flutter meetups to open up the power of a dedicated CI/CD tool. If he’s not chasing green builds at Codemagic Flutter Community Slack, he is humming blues or playing chess in the park.
Kamal (whatsupcoders)
Frederik's thoughts on Flutter at #GoogleIO2019 . Must Watch @r_FlutterDev @FlutterComm @flutteriodaily @flutterdevs @nlycskn@FlutterWk @flutterio @flutterioweekly @Flutter_Flakes @FlutterDev @flutterfyi #flutterio #flutter #flutterverse @flschweiger
— Kamal (whatsupcoders)💙 (@whatsupcoders) May 16, 2019
Kamal is an active Flutter developer with Android background. Her Youtube channel Whatsupcoders offers you tons of free tutorials related to Flutter and helps you build real Flutter projects. What could be better than learning Flutter with step-by-step video guides?
Rody Davis
I really love building adaptive layouts with @FlutterDev ❤️ Especially with the new Dart syntax to make UI code much eaiser and layout builder for inner widget dimensions :)
— Rody Davis (@rodydavis) May 16, 2019
Full Stack Polymath Programmer. His areas of expertise are native mobile, web and hybrid apps. Understands the beauty of automation and seems to be a true space fan. Not only built Space Curiosity App on Flutter, but rumors go that there is more to come. He also built the award winning app for the 2019 Flutter Create Contest, so we’re definitely excited about what’s coming next.
George Medve
Don't forget that Mondays @FlutterDev meetup will be hosted over at @theappbusiness near Kings Cross → #iOSDev #AndroidDev #LetMeExplainYou #Flare #Animations
— Flutter London 💙 (@FlutterLDN) May 15, 2019
Head of Mobile Engineering @MailOnline. Organiser of @FlutterLDN. You should definitely follow him if you need some Flutter advice around UK.
Yury Camacho
#Dash meeting some friends! Showing how beautiful is @flutterio!! @stensul_ar #flutter
— Yury Camacho (@camachoyury) December 15, 2018
Experienced Mobile Application Developer with a background in Kotlin, Flutter, Google Cloud Platform, Hibernate, Mobile Applications and Java. He’s an international speaker with more than 30 talks about mobile development. Founder of @GDGCochabamba
Ahmed Abu_eldahab
Need help with your @FlutterDev UI for quickly UI prototyping? check free web-based #Flutter UI design service and it generates the #Dart code for you can use it into your app.#FlutterEveryDayTip
— Ahmed Abu_eldahab 💙 (@dahabdev) May 1, 2019
Google Developer Expert. Founder of @FlutterEgypt. Nice introduction, how Ahmed became a Flutter developer and why he loves it.
Bhavik Makwana
Put below repository in your Watchlist 👁️ and get notified when it got updated with new #Flutter and #Dart Tip.
— Bhavik Makwana 💙🇮🇳 #Flutter #GDE (@ibhavikmakwana) April 19, 2019
Star 🌟 repo to show some love and Fork 🍴 the repository if you want to share some tips with #flutterverse.
Android and Flutter developer from Ahmedabad, India. Currently working at Simform Solution pvt ltd and co-founder of Flutter Ahmedabad.
Lara Martin
Lara Martin is a self-made Android developer currently based in Berlin at Blinkist. Her passion for Android made her transition from her background in science to software development. When she’s not attending a tech meetup, you will find her playing video games.
Here’s a nice talk with Lara about Flutter and more.
Dominik Roszkowski
Let's explore the Solar System ☀️ My submission to Flutter Create in 3974 bytes of #Dart code is almost ready. Thanks @marcin_szalek for you help and @2Dimensions for wonderful #Flare app! #fluttercreate @FlutterDev
— Dominik Roszkowski (@OrestesGaolin) April 7, 2019
Full-time Flutter & Xamarin developer from Poland. Crafting cross-platform mobile apps at Leancode and sharing Flutter hacks on Twitter.
Mariano Zorrilla
Lead Android Engineer at HighSide with more than 10 years of Android background. Mariano is the co-Founder of FlutterDevsBsAs, EsFlutter, gdgriodelaplata and he loves to create games with Flutter. This is his experience from zero to multiplaform Flutter game in a week.
Bapusaheb Patil
Google Certified Android Developer turned into Flutter enthusiast. Bapusaheb has contributed a few top articles for Flutter Community Medum account ( ) and featured in this Flutter Onsite video as a Developer Expert.
Also, his app Kut In was featured in Flutter Create’s Highlight Reel and he runs a beautiful looking website.
I never thought this day would come.
— Bapusaheb Patil (@baps_patil) May 7, 2019
I've been having sleepless nights and restless days since February, when I was told I'd be attending Google IO, and now that I'm finally in Shoreline Amphitheater, I do NOT want to leave this place.#io19
Aloïs Deniel
Aloïs writes about himself: “I am a french cross platform mobile developer working at Orange Business Services and founder of a company. The tools I use everyday are the Google (Flutter, Firebase) ones for development and Figma for prototyping and UX/UI design phases, but I love discovering other tech related areas on my spare time”. And he runs website full of useful stuff for Flutter devs and check what he submitted for the Flutter Create contest.
Started a tool for helping with various form factors : a dynamic device simulator for #Flutter apps ! 📲
— Aloïs Deniel (@aloisdeniel) May 29, 2019
Thomas Burkhart
Xamarin and Flutter developer, amazed by Flutter. Occasionally shares his tips on Flutter on medium and his blog. Also, Thomas shares pros and cons of Flutter and Dart on Gone Mobile podcast.
If you were always scared to start with Rxdart, check out my easy introductionary post
— 💙🦄🔴💉💉💉 (@ThomasBurkhartB) May 31, 2019
Indie Flutter developer, moderator of /r/flutterdev and Flutter Discord group.
He occasionally shares his live coding adventures on Twitch TV and co-author of #DevJamPod.
Really fresh breeze of Flutter feed!
I know I just said I need a break BUT: impromptu live coding over at!
— GroovinChip 💙 🧡 (@GroovinChip) June 6, 2019
Your turn: Which Flutter experts have helped you the most and who do you recommend following on Twitter? Please let us know in the comments!